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JMC 1982 - 3
JMC 1983
JMC 1983 - 2
JMC 1983 - 3
JMC 1983 - 4
 JMC 1983 - 5.JPG - John with three  AOCS roommates ( Diego, Dave, Todd) when they were commissioned as ensigns in the Navy at the aviation museum NAS Pensacola October 1983 
JMC 1983 - 6
JMC 1983 - 7
03-05-2009 05;22;49PM
JMC 1985
JMC 1985 - 2

JMC 1983 - 5 | John with three AOCS roommates ( Diego, Dave, Todd) when they were commissioned as ensigns in the Navy at the aviation museum NAS Pensacola October 1983Download
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