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JMC 1985 - 5
JMC 1985 - 6
03-05-2009 04;23;22PM
JMC 1985 -7
JMC 1985 - 8
 JMC 1985 - 9.JPG - John is partaking of a Navy ritual of "crossing the line" ceremony that celebrate the first time of crossing the equator on a Navy ship - the new person has his face rubbed in the fattest enlisted man's belly on the ship - he greases it up and then rubs the new man's face against his belly  - transition from Polywoog to Shellback 
JMC 1985 - 10
JMC 1986
JMC 1986 - 2
JMC 1986 - 3
JMC 1986 - 4

JMC 1985 - 9 | John is partaking of a Navy ritual of "crossing the line" ceremony that celebrate the first time of crossing the equator on a Navy ship - the new person has his face rubbed in the fattest enlisted man's belly on the ship - he greases it up and then rubs the new man's face against his belly - transition from Polywoog to ShellbackDownload
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